Planning for Retirement

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Are you excited about your retirement but worried about getting bored and not having enough to do? Has your work consumed you over the past 30 – 35 years and you are no longer sure what interests you have outside of work? Are you concerned about a lack of a predictable structure, a different or limited social network or the demands that may be placed on you by your parents or children? Do you have a pretty good idea of your basic plan but want to make sure all core components are in place? Are you considering a new career in your retirement and want an opportunity to network and share ideas? Are you starting out in your career and want to ensure that your career and life plan are in balance with each other? While being financially prepared for retirement is important, addressing the emotional, physical and psychological realities before retiring and integrating them into a balanced plan is ultimately the key to a successful and meaningful retirement.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Define your definition of retirement
  • Better understanding of the changes that will affect you and how to best manage them
  • See the value in your current work identity and determine how this will fit into your retirement identity
  • Establish how you are currently spending your time and what adjustments you would like to make to create a more balanced pace
  • Identify your current social support network.  Identify if or how that support network may change in retirement and how to manage that change
  • Feel confident and excited about this next stage in your life

Course Outline

  • The New Realities of Retirement
    •    How retirement has changed
    •    A more realistic definition
  • Managing Change
    •    Understanding the Transition Process
  • Work Identity
    •    What is important to you at work
    •    How can you transfer those needs into your retirement plan
    •    Options for working
  • Lifestyle
    •    Meaningful activities for retirement: staying connected
  • Relationships
    •    Building your support network

Your Life Plan

Our mission is the development of potentials in individuals and organizations in emerging economies. We believe that economies develop when entities within it are performing to their highest potential.


People matter to us. We are committed to understanding our clients so that we can serve them better. Our ultimate goal is to foster mutually beneficial longterm relationships with each of our clients that is built on trust.


Our faculty members are experts within their fields, and are supported by a network of dynamic back-office staff. We actively encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing, recognizing that winning ideas come from collaborative thinking. With the wealth of knowledge within our teams and our collaborative ethos, we create an atmosphere that is conducive to learning for all our delegates.

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