International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

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This course is designed for financial accountants and controllers wanting a detailed understanding of international standards of the International Accounting Standards. Auditors, Analysts and interpreters of IAS/IFRS financial statements will also benefit greatly from the course and this course will also be of particular benefit to accountants moving into a financial accounting role from other fields.

 Course Objectives

At the end of the course delegates will learn:

  • An in-depth working knowledge of the new ‘world standard’ of financial reporting
  • A technique for extracting the key requirements from standards, and guidance on interpretation and practical application of the standards
  • An awareness of the differences between UK, US and international standards
  • An understanding of imminent changes to IFRS

Course Outline


Concepts and presentation

  • The IASB conceptual framework
  • IAS 1 – presentation of statements
  • IAS 10 – events after balance sheet
  • IFRS 5 – assets held for sale and discontinued operations
  • IAS 7 – cash flow statements

Policies and revenue

  • IAS 8 – accounting policies
  • IAS 18 – revenue
  • IAS 11 – construction contracts; revenue and work-in-progress

Inventory and property, plant and equipment

Group Account and International Standards 

Our mission is the development of potentials in individuals and organizations in emerging economies. We believe that economies develop when entities within it are performing to their highest potential.


People matter to us. We are committed to understanding our clients so that we can serve them better. Our ultimate goal is to foster mutually beneficial longterm relationships with each of our clients that is built on trust.


Our faculty members are experts within their fields, and are supported by a network of dynamic back-office staff. We actively encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing, recognizing that winning ideas come from collaborative thinking. With the wealth of knowledge within our teams and our collaborative ethos, we create an atmosphere that is conducive to learning for all our delegates.

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